PayPal Small Business Site Redesign

Problem: PayPal’s small business pages were outdated, jargon-heavy, undiscoverable, and not representative of its full suite of business solutions.

Challenge: We were tasked with rewriting and redesigning over 20 web pages to reflect PayPal’s new visual style, updated brand voice/tone, and SEO optimizations.

UX Research
Adrian Garcia

Creative Direction Jane Horowitz, Chris Sanders

Product Manager
Maja Bradaric

Doan Nguyen (me), Rebecca Barthel, Allana Schwabb

Digging into the problem

There were several key issues with original small-to-medium business (SMB) site:

  • No detailed product pages lived under the domain. In fact, if you wanted to read about key products like PayPal Checkout or PayPal Pay Later, you had to go to this weird, nebulous entity called the App Center.

  • There was no lifestyle or product imagery, so it was hard to convey the true benefits of each offering.

  • No formal SEO research had been done, so the pages weren’t ranking well organically.

  • A new, friendlier, more engaging voice and tone guide was making its rounds, and the website didn’t reflect that.

After several intensive months of working with subject matter experts, gathering feedback, incorporating user research, and obtaining legal approvals, we relaunched the site in a phased approach. Check out how I rewrote some of the content on the Accept Payments page, one of PayPal’s most popular solution categories.

The old stuff

The new stuff

Making data-driven changes

By working with our research, analytics, and SEO teams, we were able to:

  • Ensure we were using language that was resonating with small businesses

  • Add links to some of our most popular products up front, so users can quickly navigate to topics that interest them

  • Incorporate relevant keywords, making the pages more discoverable via organic search

Check out some of the other pages I worked on as part of this project:


Product Tour Video: Indeed Hiring Platform


Navigation and IA: PayPal for Business